Scheduled Refreshes - How to handle failures
How to handle failed refreshes.
Allow users to assign the embedded capacity to a Power BI workspace (Enterprise only)
This artical explains everything you need to know about how to assign a Power BI capacity to a Power Bi Workspace.
Change Payment method
This article shows you how to update your payment method when you bought licenses for Webdashboard.
Connect Webdashboard to your customer service application
We want to give you the oppertunity to give your customers a more streamlined experience to add a support request in your own system through Webdashboard.
Embed reports in Office (Examples: Teams, PowerPoint & SharePoint)
Learn how to embed with Webdashboard in Teams, Teams, and SharePoint in this article.
Webdashboard - Teams companion app
Get helpful instructions on adding a Webdashboard report to a Teams channel.
Save your favorite selections as a view
Create a 'My View' and save it as a favorite.
Schedule report updates
Webdashboard supports E-mail scheduling.