The License models
Webdashboard has 3 license models. Standard, Hybrid en Enterprise. To understand the difference between the license models, you must first understand how Webdashboard makes it possible to share Power BI reports. Webdashboard is a layer on top of (one or more) Power BI Workspaces. Webdashboard is able to share reports outside of Power BI, because Microsoft allows this on Power BI Embedded capacities and all Fabric capacities.
The main difference between Standard, Hybrid and Enterprise is that for the Standard model Power BI runs in the Webdashboard environment. You just sign-up for a trail, a Power BI Workspace, with a (shared) capacity is created for you. You have a working environment instantly and you can start sharing your reports.
Hybrid and Enterprise rely on your own environment. It’s your responsibility to connect a Power BI Workspace to a Capacity and then connect everything to Webdashboard. All the data stays in your tenant.
The last big diffencere, for Standard and Hybrid you pay per users, for Enterprise you pay a fixed price. So the Hybrid has the pay per user functionality from the standard model, and connects to your own environment like the Enterprise model.
Practical examples
To help you choose below are some examples how Webdashboard can be used and what we think is a good licensing model.
Product research
You are looking are looking around and see what tools are out there for sharing Reports, don’t hesitate to schedule a demo. We are more then happy to answer all your questions.
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If you want to try it out first. Just sign-up for a Standard trail. It has almost has no limitations. Just upload some reports and find out how everything works.
Share business critical reports, you company is built on
When you share reports that are business critical to you. It’s best to choose the Hybrid or Enterprise model. You have full flexibility with your capacity needs. Everything is kept in-house.
In this setup you choose Hybrid if you have less than 200 users and Enterprise if you have more.
A fully functional Fabric environment
Webdashboard works on every fabric capacity. So your Workspaces are already configured to use Webdashboard as a front of your services to your clients.
In this setup you choose Hybrid if you have less than 200 users and Enterprise if you have more.
Share insights into your business
You have a great business running by providing services to your customers. To give your customers insights into these services, for example, survey results or support cases closed you decide to share this data through a Power BI Report.
In this setup the Standard license model is perfect. You get it up and running in minutes and start sharing reports with your own theming and white labeling functionality. No worries about Power BI licensing.
Sharing inside/outside my organization
Management reports, operational support reports, sales dashboards every company has internal reports. While Webdashboard is a great way to share outside your organization and maintain your identity, Webdashboard can also perfectly integrate with you organizations Sign-in policy. With default security providers for Azure Entra ID and Google Workspaces you can integrate Webdashboard seamlessly, while maintaining your brand throughout your organization.
The best thing about this, is that you can easily share the same reports to people outside of your organization.
In this setup Standard, Hybrid and Enterprise will all work. Choose Hybrid or Enterprise if you have > 200 users or have a lot of reports, because the Standard capacity is limited and has a Fair Use Policy.
Sharing inside through Power BI services and outside with Webdashboard
Although Power BI services doesn’t have the best branding, it does integrate great with Microsoft products. Webdashboard can also be integrated anywhere, but we understand there is a lot of trust in Microsoft and you want to keep your existing implementations. Sharing the same reports outside your organization, is a problem in this situation. You can connect Webdashboard to your existing Power BI workspaces you already use internally (or create new ones off course) and start sharing your insights to your customers, while maintaining Power BI Services for internal use.
In this setup you choose Hybrid if you have less than 200 users and Enterprise if you have more.
Sharing sensitive data
Webdashboards needs to be secure, and for this purpose we have penetration tests and the ability to enable MFA when signing in to Webdashboard. Webdashboadr is also hosted in a separate Tenant, only a limited amount of System Administrators or DevOps personel can access the environment. Everything not needed by Power BI is locked down. You can safely store your data in our Power BI Environment. It has two drawbacks.
1. Our Publish Accounts by default don't have MFA enabled. If you want we can enable this for you, just mail support or give us a call. We don't do this, because this account is your only way to give access to your Power BI Workspace from for example Tabular Editor. Automations won't work when this account has MFA enabled. So it's imported you keep this password safe.
2. Our tenant is in the Azure Region North Europe. The data inside your Semantic Models will be stored there. If the data is really sensitive we recommend you configure an on-premise gateway to our environment. This is a secured by username/password, encrypted line and via a VPN connection. If you want to connect directly to you Azure Environment and have the same level of protection, you'll need a Private Endpoint from Azure to Power BI. Webdashboard does not support that. Security by username/password and encrypted line is good enough in almost all cases though
In this setup you choose Hybrid if you have less than 200 users and Enterprise if you have more. The sensitive data stays inside your own environment and you have every option available to optimize your security.