To connect Webdashboard to your own environment, your Power BI Workspace that contains the reports you want to share needs to be connected to a capacity.
How do you choose the one that is right for you.
Microsoft has a few different versions of capacity, but only the Fabric (F SKU) and the Embedded (A SKU) are compatible with Webdashboard.
To know the size of capacity you’ll need, you’ll need numbers. So step 1, connect everything to a capacity and run for a few days. The step 2, look at the numbers. If you already have a capacity, and just want to know how to get to the numbers, skip to step 2. Step 3, how do I connect these numbers to a SKU?
Step 1 - Connect a capacity:
First start a Fabric trail. The trails lasts 60 days and runs on a F64 SKU. Connect the Power BI Workspace your reports are in to this capacity (Workspace Settings -> License info, select the fabric capacity option). Then just let it run for a few days. If this is not a production environment, schedule refreshes on datasets you want to know the usage of.
Step 2 - Install the metrics app:
Install the capacity metrics app from Microsoft App Source. This will install a Report and a dataset, the report will remain empty until the dataset is refreshed. We recommend to install this app in a separate Power BI Workspace:
When the dataset is refreshed, open the report and select a capacity. Now you’ll see an overview of your usage.
Step 3 - Choose your SKU
Your baseline is formed by data that runs in the background. If you have a refresh that costs 10.000 CU’s it will be calculated to 24hours. Every query that is done one a dataset (interactive cu’s) will be calculated to 5min. Our conclusion was that if we can keep the baseline on a max of 70% of the capacity, the other 30% can be used for interactive query's.
To get your baseline, select Dataflow and Dataset in the Items (14 days) table. When it’s finished loading note the number in the CU (s) column. In this case 10.1 million CU’s for 14day’s. Now look in the table below. We made an overview of all the SKU’s of their 14day CU limit and what that means for a 70% maximum.
SKU* | (CU s) | SKU | Max (14 days) | 70% | Pricing | Reserved | |
F2 | 2 | - | 2419200 CU | 1693440 CU | 308.25 € | 183.30 € | ~41% savings |
F4 | 4 | - | 4838400 CU | 3386880 CU | 616.51 € | 366.60 € | ~41% savings |
F8 | 8 | EM/A1 | 9676800 CU | 6773760 CU | 1,233.01 € | 733.21 € | ~41% savings |
F16 | 16 | EM2/A2 | 19353600 CU | 13547520 CU | 2,466.03 € | 1,466.41 € | ~41% savings |
F32 | 32 | EM3/A3 | 38707200 CU | 27095040 CU | 4,932.05 € | 2,932.82 € | ~41% savings |
F64 | 64 | A4 | 77414400 CU | 54190080 CU | 9,864.11 € | 5,865.64 € | ~41% savings |
F128 | 128 | A5 | 154828800 CU | 108380160 CU | 19,728.22 € | 11,731.29 € | ~41% savings |
F256 | 256 | A6 | 309657600 CU | 216760320 CU | 39,456.43 € | 23,462.57 € | ~41% savings |
F512 | 512 | A7 | 619315200 CU | 433520640 CU | 78,912.86 € | 46,925.14 € | ~41% savings |
F1024 | 1024 | A8 | 1238630400 CU | 867041280 CU | 157,825.72 € | 93,850.29 € | ~41% savings |
F2048 | 2048 | - | 2477260800 CU | 1734082560 CU | 315,651.44 € | 187,700.58 € | ~41% savings |
(Microsoft can change these prices at any time)
So in this case the Fabric F16 or Embedded A2 SKU would be optimal.